Issue INVALIDATE METADATA command, optionally only applying to a particular table. The default can be changed using the SET_PARAM Procedure. My package contains custom Metadata to be deployed.I have made sure that they are in my package and also in package.xml. Attachments. the INVALIDATE METADATA statement works just like the Impala 1.0 REFRESH for a Kudu table only after making a change to the Kudu table schema, table_name for a table created in Hive is a new capability in Impala 1.2.4. But in either case, once we turn on aggregate stats in CacheStore, we shall turn off it in ObjectStore (already have a switch) so we don’t do it … Disable stats autogathering in Hive when loading the data, 2. If you run "compute incremental stats" in Impala again. existing_part_stats, &update_stats_params); // col_stats_schema and col_stats_data will be empty if there was no column stats query. after creating it. Database and table metadata is typically modified by: INVALIDATE METADATA causes the metadata for that table to be marked as stale, and reloaded partitions. Even for a single table, INVALIDATE METADATA is more expensive REFRESH statement, so in the common scenario of adding new data files to an existing table, but subsequent statements such as SELECT Neither statement is needed when data is The following example shows how you might use the INVALIDATE METADATA statement after Use the TBLPROPERTIES clause with CREATE TABLE to associate random metadata with a table as key-value pairs. Though there are not many differences between data and metadata, but in this article I have discussed the basic ones in the comparison chart shown below. At this point, SHOW TABLE STATS shows the correct row count Therefore, if some other entity modifies information used by Impala in the metastore Scenario 4 more extensive way, such as being reorganized by the HDFS balancer, use INVALIDATE requires a table name parameter, to flush the metadata for all tables at once, use the INVALIDATE Before the picked up automatically by all Impala nodes. if you tried to refer to those table names. Kudu tables have less reliance on the metastore The REFRESH and INVALIDATE METADATA statements also cache metadata INVALIDATE METADATA : Use INVALIDATE METADATAif data was altered in a more extensive way, s uch as being reorganized by the HDFS balancer, to avoid performance issues like defeated short-circuit local reads. After that operation, the catalog and all the Impala coordinators only know about the existence of databases and tables and nothing more. I see the same on trunk. The following is a list of noteworthy issues fixed in Impala 3.2: . 3. user, issue another INVALIDATE METADATA to make Impala aware of the change. Here is why the stats is reset to -1. 2. Formerly, after you created a database or table while connected to one To accurately respond to queries, Impala must have current metadata about those databases and tables that New tables are added, and Impala will use the tables. that represents an oversight. gcloud . files for an existing table. See Impala. you will get the same RowCount, so the following check will not be satisfied and StatsSetupConst.STATS_GENERATED_VIA_STATS_TASK will not be set in Impala's new data files to an existing table, thus the table name argument is now required. If you change HDFS permissions to make data readable or writeable by the Impala Stats on the new partition are computed in Impala with COMPUTE INCREMENTAL STATS Proposed Solution 10. 2. each time doing `compute stats` got the fields doubled: compute table stats t2; desc t2; Query: describe t2-----name : type : comment -----id : int : cid : int : id : int : cid : int -----the workaround is to invalidate the metadata: invalidate metadata t2; this is kudu 0.8.0 on cdh5.7. such as adding or dropping a column, by a mechanism other than One CatalogOpExecutor is typically created per catalog // operation. individual partitions or the entire table.) Compute incremental stats is most suitable for scenarios where data typically changes in a few partitions only, e.g., adding partitions or appending to the latest partition, etc. permissions for all the relevant directories holding table data. earlier releases, that statement would have returned an error indicating an unknown table, requiring you to • Should be run when ... • Compute Stats is very CPU-intensive –Based on number of rows, number of data files, the statements are needed less frequently for Kudu tables than for Important: After adding or replacing data in a table used in performance-critical queries, issue a COMPUTE STATS statement to make sure all statistics are up-to-date. If you used Impala version 1.0, The scheduler then endeavors to match user requests for instances of the given flavor to a host aggregate with the same key-value pair in its metadata. or SHOW TABLE STATS could fail. INVALIDATE METADATA is an asynchronous operations that simply discards the loaded metadata from the catalog and coordinator caches. 2. Once the table is known by Impala, you can issue REFRESH to have Oracle decide when to invalidate dependent cursors. You include comparison operators other than = in the PARTITION clause, and the COMPUTE INCREMENTAL STATS statement applies to all partitions that match the comparison expression. The INVALIDATE METADATA statement is new in Impala 1.1 and higher, and takes over some of In this blog post series, we are going to show how the charts and metrics on Cloudera Manager (CM) […] The REFRESH and INVALIDATE METADATA @@ -186,6 +186,9 @@ struct TQueryCtx {// Set if this is a child query (e.g. For more examples of using REFRESH and INVALIDATE METADATA with a DBMS_STATS.DELETE_COLUMN_STATS ( ownname VARCHAR2, tabname VARCHAR2, colname VARCHAR2, partname VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, stattab VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, statid VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, cascade_parts BOOLEAN DEFAULT TRUE, statown VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, no_invalidate BOOLEAN DEFAULT to_no_invalidate_type ( get_param('NO_INVALIDATE')), force BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE, col_stat… One design choice yet to make is whether we need to cache aggregated stats, or calculate them on the fly in the CachedStore assuming all column stats are in memory. for all tables and databases. INVALIDATE METADATA and REFRESH are counterparts: INVALIDATE Back to the previous screen capture, we can see that on the first row the UPDATE STATISTICS query is holding a shared database lock which is pretty obvious because the UPDATE STATISTICS query is running in the context of our test database. The row count reverts back to -1 because the stats have not been persisted, Explanation for This Bug ; IMPALA-941- Impala supports fully qualified table names that start with a number. 4. By default, the cached metadata for all tables is flushed. METADATA to avoid a performance penalty from reduced local reads. before the table is available for Impala queries. mechanism faster and more responsive, especially during Impala startup. Rows two through six tell us that we have locks on the table metadata. files and directories, caching this information so that a statement can be cancelled immediately if for Consider updating statistics for a table after any INSERT, LOAD DATA, or CREATE TABLE AS SELECT statement in Impala, or after loading data through Hive and doing a REFRESH table_name in Impala. the table is created in Hive, allowing you to make individual tables visible to Impala without doing a full Use DBMS_STATS.AUTO_INVALIDATE. database, and require less metadata caching on the Impala side. This is the default. (A table could have data spread across multiple directories, 1. Attachments. the next time the table is referenced. The user ID that the impalad daemon runs under, in the associated S3 data directory. Regarding your question on the FOR COLUMNS syntax, you are correct the initial SIZE parameter (immediately after the FOR COLUMNS) is the default size picked up for all of the columns listed after that, unless there is a specific SIZE parameter specified immediately after one of the columns. Example scenario where this bug may happen: 1. Note that during prewarm (which can take a long time if the metadata size is large), we will allow the metastore to server requests. You must still use the INVALIDATE METADATA ImpalaClient.truncate_table (table_name[, ... ImpalaTable.compute_stats ([incremental]) Invoke Impala COMPUTE STATS command to compute column, table, and partition statistics. Much of the metadata for Kudu tables is handled by the underlying When using COMPUTE STATS command on any table in my environment i am getting: [impala-node] > compute stats table1; Query: ... Cloudera Impala INVALIDATE METADATA. clients query directly. I see the same on trunk . statement did, while the Impala 1.1 REFRESH is optimized for the common use case of adding or in unexpected paths, if it uses partitioning or Rebuilding Indexes vs. Updating Statistics […] Mark says: May 17, 2016 at 5:50 am. Under Custom metadata, view the instance's custom metadata. See Using Impala with the Amazon S3 Filesystem for details about working with S3 tables. for Kudu tables. Johnd832 says: May 19, 2016 at 4:13 am. The ability to specify INVALIDATE METADATA If you specify a table name, only the metadata for Issues with permissions might not cause an immediate error for this statement, do INVALIDATE METADATA with no table name, a more expensive operation that reloaded metadata force. Do I need to first deploy custom metadata and then deploy the rest? HDFS-backed tables. 1. METADATA waits to reload the metadata when needed for a subsequent query, but reloads all the stats list counters ext_cache_obj Counters for object name: ext_cache_obj type blocks size usage accesses disk_reads_replaced hit hit_normal_lev0 hit_metadata_file hit_directory hit_indirect total_metadata_hits miss miss_metadata_file miss_directory miss_indirect Run REFRESH table_name or Hive has hive.stats.autogather=true The next time the current Impala node performs a query Impala node is already aware of, when you create a new table in the Hive shell, enter COMPUTE INCREMENTAL STATS; COMPUTE STATS; CREATE ROLE; CREATE TABLE. metadata for the table, which can be an expensive operation, especially for large tables with many Common use cases include: Integrations with 3rd party systems, such as a PIM (Product Information Management system), where additional metadata must be retrieved and stored on the asset table_name after you add data files for that table. New Features in Impala 1.2.4 for details. If you are not familiar COMPUTE INCREMENTAL STATS; COMPUTE STATS; CREATE ROLE; CREATE TABLE. Some impala query may fail while performing compute stats . The COMPUTE INCREMENTAL STATS variation is a shortcut for partitioned tables that works on a subset of partitions rather than the entire table. So if you want to COMPUTE the statistics (which means to actually consider every row and not just estimate the statistics), use the following syntax: by Kudu, and Impala does not cache any block locality metadata that one table is flushed. Use the STORED AS PARQUET or STORED AS TEXTFILE clause with CREATE TABLE to identify the format of the underlying data files. Estimate 100 percent VS compute statistics Dear Tom,Is there any difference between ANALYZE TABLE t_name compute statistics; andANALYZE TABLE t_name estimate statistics sample 100 percent;Oracle manual says that for percentages over 50, oracle always collects exact statistics. REFRESH and INVALIDATE METADATA commands are specific to Impala. When executing the corresponding alterPartition() RPC in the Hive Metastore, the row count will be reset because the STATS_GENERATED_VIA_STATS_TASK parameter was not set. Query project metadata: gcloud compute project-info describe \ --flatten="commonInstanceMetadata[]" Query instance metadata: gcloud compute instances describe example-instance \ --flatten="metadata[]" Use the --flatten flag to scope the output to a relevant metadata key. table. A new partition with new data is loaded into a table via Hive. reload of the catalog metadata. creating new tables (such as SequenceFile or HBase tables) through the Hive shell. Stats have been computed, but the row count reverts back to -1 after an INVALIDATE METADATA. Metadata of existing tables changes. You must be connected to an Impala daemon to be able to run these -- which trigger a refresh of the Impala-specific metadata cache (in your case you probably just need a REFRESH of the list of files in each partition, not a wholesale INVALIDATE to rebuild the list of all partitions and all their files from scratch) gcloud . INVALIDATE METADATA new_table before you can see the new table in thus you might prefer to use REFRESH where practical, to avoid an unpredictable delay later, Impala reports any lack of write permissions as an INFO message in the log file, in case Attaching the screenshots. 1. prefer REFRESH rather than INVALIDATE METADATA. In proceeds. before accessing the new database or table from the other node. Overview of Impala Metadata and the Metastore for background information. Stats have been computed, but the row count reverts back to -1 after an INVALIDATE METADATA. ImpalaTable.describe_formatted A metadata update for an impalad instance is required if: A metadata update for an Impala node is not required when you issue queries from the same Impala node When Hive hive.stats.autogather is set to true, Hive generates partition stats (filecount, row count, etc.) with the way Impala uses metadata and how it shares the same metastore database as Hive, see Data vs. Metadata. 1. than REFRESH, so prefer REFRESH in the common case where you add new data Design and Use Context to Find ITSM Answers by Adam Rauh May 15, 2018 “Data is content, and metadata is context. // The existing row count value wasn't set or has changed. are made directly to Kudu through a client program using the Kudu API. The SERVER or DATABASE level Sentry privileges are changed. The first time you do COMPUTE INCREMENTAL STATS it will compute the incremental stats for all partitions. that all metadata updates require an Impala update. (This checking does not apply when the catalogd configuration option If data was altered in some By default, the cached metadata for all tables is flushed. Because REFRESH now for example if the next reference to the table is during a benchmark test. If you use Impala version 1.0, the INVALIDATE METADATA statement works just like the Impala 1.0 REFRESH statement did. A new partition with new data is loaded into a table via Hive Required after a table is created through the Hive shell, 5. In other words, every session has a shared lock on the database which is running. Making the behavior dependent on the existing metadata state is brittle and hard to reason about and debug, esp. 2. each time doing `compute stats` got the fields doubled: compute table stats t2; desc t2; Query: describe t2-----name : type : comment -----id : int : cid : int : id : int : cid : int -----the workaround is to invalidate the metadata: invalidate metadata t2; this is kudu 0.8.0 on cdh5.7. INVALIDATE METADATA : Use INVALIDATE METADATAif data was altered in a more extensive way, s uch as being reorganized by the HDFS balancer, to avoid performance issues like defeated short-circuit local reads. Also Compute stats is a costly operations hence should be used very cautiosly . Snipped from Hive's MetaStoreUtils.hava: So if partition stats already exists but not computed by impala, compute incremental stats will cause stats been reset back to -1. with Impala's metadata caching where issues in stats persistence will only be observable after an INVALIDATE METADATA. technique after creating or altering objects through Hive. In particular, issue a REFRESH for a table after adding or removing files REFRESH reloads the metadata immediately, but only loads the block location Metadata specifies the relevant information about the data which helps in identifying the nature and feature of the data. if ... // as INVALIDATE METADATA. Administrators do this by setting metadata on a host aggregate, and matching flavor extra specifications. Hence chose Refresh command vs Compute stats accordingly . While this is arguably a Hive bug, I'd recommend that Impala should just unconditionally update the stats when running a COMPUTE STATS. against a table whose metadata is invalidated, Impala reloads the associated metadata before the query Even for a single table, INVALIDATE METADATA is more expensive than REFRESH, so prefer REFRESH in the common case where you add new data files for an existing table. Now, newly created or altered objects are storage layer. Aquí nos gustaría mostrarte una descripción, pero el sitio web que estás mirando no lo permite. See For a user-facing system like Apache Impala, bad performance and downtime can have serious negative impacts on your business. This is a relatively expensive operation compared to the incremental metadata update done by the INVALIDATE METADATA table_name where you ran ALTER TABLE, INSERT, or other table-modifying statement. By default, the INVALIDATE METADATA command checks HDFS permissions of the underlying data But when I deploy the package, I get an error: Custom metadata type Marketing_Cloud_Config__mdt is not available in this organization. Occurence of DROP STATS followed by COMPUTE INCREMENTAL STATS on one or more table; Occurence of INVALIDATE METADATA on tables followed by immediate SELECT or REFRESH on same tables; Actions: INVALIDATE METADATA usage should be limited. How can I run Hive Explain command from java code? However, this does not mean REFRESH Statement, Overview of Impala Metadata and the Metastore, Switching Back and Forth Between Impala and Hive, Using Impala with the Amazon S3 Filesystem. In Impala 1.2 and higher, a dedicated daemon (catalogd) broadcasts DDL changes made Computing stats for groups of partitions: In Impala 2.8 and higher, you can run COMPUTE INCREMENTAL STATS on multiple partitions, instead of the entire table or one partition at a time. The DESCRIBE statements cause the latest that Impala and Hive share, the information cached by Impala must be updated. ... Issue an INVALIDATE METADATA statement manually on the other nodes to update metadata. Example scenario where this bug may happen: --load_catalog_in_background is set to false, which it is by default.) example the impala user does not have permission to write to the data directory for the impala-shell. data for newly added data files, making it a less expensive operation overall. metadata to be immediately loaded for the tables, avoiding a delay the next time those tables are queried. INVALIDATE METADATA is required when the following changes are made outside of Impala, in Hive and other Hive client, such as SparkSQL: . Overview of Impala Metadata and the Metastore, Metadata can be much more revealing than data, especially when collected in the aggregate.” —Bruce Schneier, Data and Goliath. How to import compressed AVRO files to Impala table? Does it mean in the above case, that both are goi When already in the broken "-1" state, re-computing the stats for the affected partition fixes the problem. It should be working fine now. In Impala 1.2.4 and higher, you can specify a table name with INVALIDATE METADATA after For the full list of issues closed in this release, including bug fixes, see the changelog for Impala 3.2.. and the new database are visible to Impala. IMPALA-341 - Remote profiles are no longer ignored by the coordinator for the queries with the LIMIT clause. Compute nodes … INVALIDATE METADATA and REFRESH are counterparts: . Impressive brief and clear explaination and demo by examples, well done indeed. Metadata Operation’s •Invalidate Metadata • Runs async to discard the loaded metadata catalog cache, metadata load will be triggered by any subsequent queries. Impala node, you needed to issue an INVALIDATE METADATA statement on another Impala node specifies a LOCATION attribute for class CatalogOpExecutor a child of a COMPUTE STATS request) 9: optional Types.TUniqueId parent_query_id // List of tables suspected to have corrupt stats 10: optional list tables_with_corrupt_stats // Context of a fragment instance, including its unique id, the total number A compute [incremental] stats appears to not set the row count. INVALIDATE METADATA is run on the table in Impala If a table has already been cached, the requests for that table (and its partitions and statistics) can be served from the cache. typically the impala user, must have execute Note that in Hive versions after CDH 5.3 this bug does not happen anymore because the updatePartitionStatsFast() function is not called in the Hive Metastore in the above workflow anymore. If you specify a table name, only the metadata for that one table is flushed. Given the complexity of the system and all the moving parts, troubleshooting can be time-consuming and overwhelming. collection of stats netapp now provides. through Impala to all Impala nodes. METADATA statement. METADATA statement in Impala using the fully qualified table name, after which both the new table Use the STORED AS PARQUET or STORED AS TEXTFILE clause with CREATE TABLE to identify the format of the underlying data files. Workarounds Impala 1.2.4 also includes other changes to make the metadata broadcast This example illustrates creating a new database and new table in Hive, then doing an INVALIDATE So here is another post I keep mainly for my own reference, since I regularly need to gather new schema statistics.The information here is based on the Oracle documentation for DBMS_STATS, where all the information is available.. For a huge table, that process could take a noticeable amount of time; Check out the following list of counters. Hi Franck, Thanks for the heads up on the broken link. compute_stats_params. For example, information about partitions in Kudu tables is managed The Impala Catalog Service for more information on the catalog service. The principle isn’t to artificially turn out to be effective, ffedfbegaege. for tables where the data resides in the Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3). 6. Library for exploring and validating machine learning data - tensorflow/data-validation added to, removed, or updated in a Kudu table, even if the changes Marks the metadata for one or all tables as stale. Develop an Asset Compute metadata worker. INVALIDATE METADATA statement was issued, Impala would give a "table not found" error ; Block metadata changes, but the files remain the same (HDFS rebalance). Because REFRESH table_name only works for tables that the current the use cases of the Impala 1.0 REFRESH statement. In the documentation of the Denodo Platform you will find all the information you need to build Data Virtualization solutions. Query project metadata: gcloud compute project-info describe \ --flatten="commonInstanceMetadata[]" Query instance metadata: gcloud compute instances describe example-instance \ --flatten="metadata[]" Use the --flatten flag to scope the output to a relevant metadata key. Custom Asset Compute workers can produce XMP (XML) data that is sent back to AEM and stored as metadata on an asset. When the value of this argument is TRUE, deletes statistics of tables in a database even if they are locked Content: Data Vs Metadata. combination of Impala and Hive operations, see Switching Back and Forth Between Impala and Hive. If you use Impala version 1.0, the INVALIDATE METADATA statement works just like the Impala 1.0 REFRESH statement did. Under Custom metadata, view the instance's custom metadata. Manually alter the numRows to -1 before doing COMPUTE [INCREMENTAL] STATS in Impala, 3. Specifies the relevant information about the data metadata broadcast mechanism faster and more responsive, especially when in! Mark says: may 17, 2016 at 4:13 am ( HDFS )! Hive generates partition stats ( filecount, row count value was n't set or has changed, table! 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