Especially if he can get a school near home. [–]looktowindward 0 points1 point2 points 5 years ago (0 children). There are no pros. For instance, language skills, college education, medical skills, and other skills obtainable in the civilian world can enhance the transition into the Navy in your favor. 1. All Sailors are salaried, meaning that they receive the same financial compensation no matter how many hours they work. The pros and cons of being a military spouse. Highly recommend the Navy (any warfare community) to anyone who has the desire and aptitude for service. Sounds like you're more interested in being bitter than learning. More work. Extra pay is not a good reason. The rising costs of medical care make healthcare benefits a huge draw in any career. Education The Navy allows you to earn a college education, at their expense. Being a first tour SWO is rough cause you're learning and working on moving up in the ranks and qualifying. 3. No soliciting of any kind. They get the respect of an officer from the enlisted men. This is NOT the place to troll and be disrespectful. # Pros . by Katherine Gauthier. [–][deleted] 1 point2 points3 points 5 years ago (3 children). You are either positive you will try your hardest to become one or you are not. It provides cost-effective health care. Pros: 1. 5 Pros of Joining U.S. Army 5. The reliability of a paycheck is a great part of the Navy, but the actual compensation can be less than jobs with similar requirements and working hours out in the civilian sector. [–][deleted] 4 points5 points6 points 5 years ago (2 children). [+]jou13 comment score below threshold-11 points-10 points-9 points 5 years ago (12 children). Make sure he's considering it for the right reasons. Have to do another 6 years. Pay is determined by a set scale based on rank and time in service. Do not answer pre-enlistment/pre-commissioning questions. This includes everything from hospital visits to routine check-ups and physicals. All military members expect to spend time away from family during deployments but there are other circumstances that can take them away from home as well. That said, some things to keep in mind if you want this life: most western militaries (in my experience) require their officers to change billet frequently, life is unstable; 11 Pros And 9 Cons Of Joining The Navy In 2019. About 54,000 new recruits go through the Navy’s boot camp every year. Wish I had asked him more questions before he passed. That's on top of managing a division and other quals. The Navy Exchange, the equivalent of a mall, and the Commissary, or grocery store, are available to all military members to do their shopping tax-free. Pros 1. There are pros and cons of staying in the service or transitioning to a civilian job, but a person’s decision comes down to their individual situation. I was an E-6 before becoming a SWO than transferred to Intel than transferred to IW Officer. There are families where children follow in the paths of their parents, grandparents, and even great-grandparents that served. Etc. Related Article: 17 Scholarships For Military Children, Spouses, and Veterans. When you join the Navy, either through Enlisting or being commissioned as an Officer, you commit to a minimum service obligation. That can make him a valuable asset to a company when he gets out. Being informed is an important part of the process and can help you make the best decision. 1 Opportunity to travel. - involving mental or physical effort done in order to achieve a result. Like anything else it depends. Better life This consists of sit ups, pushups, sit-and-reach, and cardio (often a run). The work load is triple the enlisted work load and you better know wtf you are doing. Most ships stop at 4-8 ports during their deployment and some stop at even more. 10 years ago. No calls for witch-hunts or "vigilante justice," keep the pitchforks in storage. You start out as a total bitch and have to re-qualify and relearn a million things you previously never had to worry about it. ... CONS OF THE DUAL MILITARY MARRIAGE. When you join the Navy, either through Enlisting or being commissioned as an Officer, you commit to a minimum service obligation. Pros of Joining the Navy. That means that long hours and hard work come with the job. And watched enlisted people end their life because of how shit their day job was. But you don't start out as a department head. We may earn a commission when you buy through links on our site. My late grandfather served in the Navy (Pacific and briefly Atlantic) during WWII, his end rank was CCS. The Navy does its best to take Sailors requests into account when looking at relocation, but the needs of the service always come first. Let us focus on the pros first. This video is a part of the Career Choice Series, which is designed to help you choose your career path. OMK provides resources and content to kids, teens, and young adults who are thinking about joining the US Armed Forces, but don’t know where to begin. For me, the pros far out weigh the cons and I am glad that I chose to join the military. Highly recommend to anyone interested in Submarines or just cool Navy history. What do you do? For junior enlisted Sailors, this means accommodations on the ship or a small apartment-style room in the barracks. A life of military service is exactly that—service. How much does enlisted rank really matter for an otherwise good candidate for OCS? Andreas Weigelt has made a heavy commitment to Switzerland's conscript army, dedicating one month per year to helping to command a company in … 23 Honest Pros and Cons of Being in a Dual Military Marriage. 4. That's what got me, at least, [–]forzion_no_mouse 5 points6 points7 points 5 years ago (4 children). Funding may also be available for books and housing. Have to start over in the nuke program. [+]somerandomguy1232 comment score below threshold-6 points-5 points-4 points 5 years ago (0 children), [–][deleted] 9 points10 points11 points 5 years ago (0 children). SWO is just like any other. It is important to know what is expected before committing to the Navy. Without wasting any more time, let us move to the meat of the matter! They must meet minimum requirements to pass. Cons. Either you’re committed to serve or not. By and large, there are better subreddits for political discussion and we encourage you to find one of them for your political discussions. You do realize that it's a JO standing officer of the deck and basically responsible for the ENTIRE ship 6 hours a day. Those with family members receive slightly higher BAH rates to account for their increased household expenses. List of Pros of Being a Police Officer. Some of them are less obvious than the others. That’s right, FREE housing! Here is a list of the top pros and cons of serving in the Navy to help guide you through making your decision. What’s more, your insurance will be extremely significant, where you will get lifetime medical insurance. Pilots constantly repeat the same nonsense "hurrrr durrr, being a SWO would suck. Check out our BAH calculator here to find out how much you could get. Very few companies are able to offer pensions today, but the Navy still has one of the best retirement programs available. Can get fired. Communication with family back home can be less frequent or even restricted, depending on the mission. *At sea that is, no idea what being a JO on shore is like. See our advertising policy here. I'm an officer and a pilot. Sailors live in tight quarters, whether in barracks housing or on ships. [+]jou13 comment score below threshold-12 points-11 points-10 points 5 years ago (3 children). But its still something you have to do. It has health care benefits. Signed, CO USS James E. Williams, [–]Send_Lawyers 4 points5 points6 points 5 years ago (0 children). I kind of act like a clown on this sub sometimes so I am pretty disliked, [–]TVMarathon 6 points7 points8 points 5 years ago (0 children). I've heard that bonuses have to be given up but he would have his degree paid for while still being paid. By joining the Air Force, you will be paid considerably well and have all your interests looked after. Before and after deployments are other popular times to take time off. Pros. There is an option to serve a minimum amount of time, then be placed in the IRR. Required fields are marked *. This is an accurate assessment of the Navy. So you can get to where you want to be with ease. You raised good, relevant points. If you are already attending or wish to attend college, the Military may be able to help you do so. How2Become decided to investigate… The Benefits. Merry Christmas to all the Foo's on duty today. that's just one example there are hundreds. There are many benefits and cons of being in the Navy. Officer Cons: a higher cost of living, a lot more responsibility that exceeds the authority. Post them in /r/newtothenavy. 1. PrideYou will have the pride of working for the US military and defending your country in times of war. Some of these individuals served in extreme conflicts like Vietnam, Korea, and WWII. Being a Naval Officer isn't just a job that you are not 100% sure about. The Navy officer and members of his or her family can take advantage of medical and dental care at … As opposed to the bitches of deck division? [–]dails08 10 points11 points12 points 5 years ago (1 child). This may be a no brainer, but it needs to be said anyway. Challenging Career Choice This is actually a positive impression because even if people are having a job in the criminal justice system, they love what they are doing. Opened a lot of doors for me (career-wise) and would do it again. The important thing to do is weigh the pros and cons before signing on the dotted line of an enlistment contract. All Rights Reserved. Whether it is long hours or hazardous physical locations, Navy workplaces are never boring. Cons: They have a limited period of time to qualify for VERY difficult watches. This comes with a lack of personal space, time alone, and privacy. When you become a Navy personnel, you will no longer have to worry about your health care expenses. Also if anyone knows what the exact difference is between Navy and Navy Reserves. The Commissary is also subsidized to keep costs down, especially in high cost-of-living areas and overseas. Advancement exams, written tests for each job specialty, are given periodically. Anyone joining the Navy should expect to put in long hours, especially as they train to learn new skills and when on deployments. NO BLOGSPAM. Military officers also have housing options available to them and their families. So you believe an O1 works more than an E1-E4? It does increase after 2 years and shore duty at year 4 is awesome. Related Article – Navy Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) Technician: Career Details. Why does he think he wants to? Some jobs in the Navy allow for comfortable, office-type work, but many do not. The merchant navy, without any doubt, will help you travel around the world. Your email address will not be published. Like other branches of the US military, the Navy will allow you to travel and see the world at some point, but it is definitely superior when it comes to this area. A life of service is noble and selfless, but it is not for everyone. Related Article – 10 Benefits Of Being A Military Wife (and 5 not-so good things). Thinking about joining the US Navy, but unsure if it's the right branch for you? REDDIT and the ALIEN Logo are registered trademarks of reddit inc. π Rendered by PID 10396 on r2-app-09a147aea67558d0f at 2020-12-25 21:23:22.379386+00:00 running 6abf2be country code: US. They are subjected to uncomfortable and often abusive working conditions with limited (if any) means of recourse. This could mean 12+ hour shifts, being on-call all of the time, or spending months at sea. Costs to Consider Before Leaving the Military. Additional financial incentives, such as skill-based or retention bonuses and hazardous duty pay may also be available. Service members are able to enjoy free healthcare for themselves and family members listed on their record. Pros and cons of being an officer in the navy? In the US Army, many warrant officers are technical experts assigned to the motor pool or other logistics positions. More money These obligations are usually 4 years or longer, depending on the amount of training the Navy provides (and pays for) … If you have ever considered whether the Navy is a good option for your career, you have probably wondered about the benefits and challenges that come with a life of military service. I retired at 20 years. The Pros and Cons of Military Service ... An iconic photograph of Popaditch smoking a cigar while a statue of Saddam Hussein is being toppled in the … Note: This has only been what I've seen and all should be verified. Being a SWO was a good career. Free housing, or deeply discounted housing, is one of the best benefits of being a military officer. For those wanting to get care from civilian providers, a plan is available that allows for patients to choose their own doctor and pay a small co-pay. NSI. Most officers get substantial allowances to cover the basic costs of living if they aren't living on base. Under some circumstances, they are entitled to extra pay, such as when they are in extremely dangerous working conditions or away from family for a long time. Cons. Education benefits are one of the strongest pulling points for joining the Navy. Does he have a college degree already? The government pays for the same, and you will not even need to get embroiled in formalities or the paperwork because the administration would … Our thanks to claychastain and Arxilca for creating our very own custom Reddit logo. In some circumstances, the GI Bill may be transferred to a spouse or child. [–]blackfunk 8 points9 points10 points 5 years ago (4 children). Pros of a Family Joining the Military When you think of joining the military with a family, being away from them is typically one of the first things that comes to mind. Schools, training, and temporary duty assignments can also come up. The Navy will pay for nearly all of your college education. Sailors who complete 20 years of active service are able to enjoy 50% of their monthly base pay in their retirement, as well as healthcare benefits. 0. Jacqueline is retired from the United States Navy. That's why the Navy employs him. It's rare but it can happen. Basic pro: more money. In the military, there are a few people who are there just for the benefits. And staying late to fix it. If you push back against authority, you will find the requirement to be disciplined and follow orders hard to do. If he's planning on staying nuclear he'll have to go through power school and prototype again plus some additional training if he goes subs. More money, more responsibility, get treated almost like a person, get to see more of the boat. and join one of thousands of communities. You get paid better! [–][deleted] 0 points1 point2 points 5 years ago (5 children). It also sounds like he may already have his degree, in which case OCS is a requirement. The time it takes him to get his degree won't count towards time in anymore. Seriously. These stores frequently run special discounts that are only available to military members. wəːk/ Some of them may be familiar to you, as they are echoed throughout the military world. In some cases, special pay is authorized when the conditions could be considered hazardous or unusually dangerous. There are many aspects to being an officer, both good and bad. Anyone know of books or writing from WWII Navy vets in his role/rank? Have to go to ocs. [–]forzion_no_mouse 2 points3 points4 points 5 years ago (1 child), It depends on if he has a degree or not. Tons of quals you need to go through. There is no "additional boot camp" for officers, unless he is counting OCS. The U.S. Navy is the largest in the world; its battle fleet tonnage is greater than that of the next 13 largest navies combined. Have to start over in the nuke program. They don't have an easy life. When much is given. Much is asked. Have to do another 6 years. [–][deleted] 6 points7 points8 points 5 years ago (2 children). I only wished I had joined when I was 18 instead of 19. There is a wide range of job opportunities in the Navy. Born in San Francisco, CA and raised in Las Vegas, NV, she graduated from the University of South Florida with a Major in biological health sciences. 4. This is true if he is a nuke or if he chooses to go conventional. How To Choose The Right Military Branch For You, 10 Best Jobs In The Navy For Civilian Life, 17 Scholarships For Military Children, Spouses, and Veterans, 15 Best States For Military Retirees and Veterans, Navy Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) Technician: Career Details, 10 Benefits Of Being A Military Wife (and 5 not-so good things), Navy Signing, Enlistment, and Reenlistment Bonuses, Navy Health Professions Scholarship Program (HPSP) Guide, 9 Line Medevac: What It Is, What It Does, And 2 Real World Example Scenarios, 20 Pros And Cons Of Joining The Air Force. No one telling you what to do. Which route to becoming officer is he considering doing? Thus, here are some pros and cons of being a police officer to determine if this job is really for you or not. Relevance. Related Article: Navy Enlisted And Officer Ranks And Pay. Even from the first day of enlistment, the military commits to paying its workforce twice monthly. Quals. STA-21 doesn't do it. But what are the pros and cons of becoming a police officer? in Life, Military Marriage. It's not as bad as ocs but you are still away, [–][deleted] 2 points3 points4 points 5 years ago (0 children). Often they are the lone warrant officer in the battalion. [–]dails08 6 points7 points8 points 5 years ago (1 child). Of course, no two stations are alike, you might love your life in one and hate it in another. The exception to this rule is for Sailors who have family members with disabilities that require specific care and are enrolled in the Exceptional Family Member Program. Copyright © 2020 I needed to get it off my town at a young age. There are options to join the military in full. I've met officers that hate their life. Memes and photo submissions will be allowed as long as they remain in good taste, do not “call out” or degrade any shipmates, or reveal PII. Who you are in uniform is a good indicator of what kind of officer you'll be. A second lieutenant (O-1) that just commissioned in the Army will get paid almost double the amount that a private (E-1). So is it better? Chances are that during a 4-year enlistment, you will deploy at least 1 time, often on a ship. That is no easy task and if you think it's easy, it takes roughly 2 years to learn it. 1 Answer. Big difference. I was on both sides as enlisted and officer. It offers personal security. Not sure. They have als… United States Navy Official YouTube Channel, The Official Web Site of the United States Navy. In just 90 days, Sailors are eligible to receive some financial compensation to be used for college classes, books, and living expenses. Being an officer is not the kind of job where you weight the pros and cons. My husband is currently an E4 (he just took the exam for E5), and in the nuclear power program. If you would like to be one of those people this year, then here are the pros and cons of that decision. Officer Pros: a few extra bucks, and a little authority. Plus, it's a good time to have a baby if that's what you're thinking already. Does anyone have any advice they can offer? Merry Christmas! [–]weinerpretzel 0 points1 point2 points 5 years ago (1 child). But if you can handle it and are able to work for a good community or good boss it's totally worth it. The speakers in this video will share with you what attracted them to becoming a JAG, how they qualified, the pros and cons, and what a typical day as a JAG entails. If you’re looking for a career that provides stable income, the military is a great option. If anyone is Navy or ex-Navy please e-mail at for some information. Veteran officers have two big advantages in the job market: a college degree and proven management experience. If you are looking for a career dedicated to something larger than yourself, look no further than the Navy. What do you do? If he plans to go the OCS route he needs to have a bachelors with a good (minimum +3.0) GPA from a decent school and be a First Class with a very good performance record to have a shot. I ended up married with dependents and feel into the dependence of job security. Many Opportunities AvailableThe Marines are the ones that are generally on the ground as well as in the air, which provides you with various opportunities for careers in the Marines. Like poops said, the answer to these questions will be the deciding factor for how long his commissioning process may take and how much additional schooling would be required. [–]jou13 -4 points-3 points-2 points 5 years ago (4 children). Deployment, or prolonged missions away from a home duty station, are an inevitable part of military life. I have no idea why you were downvoted. Related Article: 10 Best Jobs In The Navy For Civilian Life. Many Sailors also take vacation time when they transfer from one command to another. "Lemme just give you this PLOR real quick before I get fired", [–]weinerpretzel 1 point2 points3 points 5 years ago (0 children), I want everyone to know that I think ENS Starchy Pants has what it takes to be in my shoes 10 year from now. [–]looktowindward 2 points3 points4 points 5 years ago (0 children). [–][deleted] 2 points3 points4 points 5 years ago (3 children). See our list of 11 pros and 9 cons of joining the Navy. Officer Candidate School (OCS), known as Officer Training School (OTS) in the Air Force, is an officer program for recruits who have a four-year degree and did not do an ROTC program. I do. And you are constantly held to a higher standard and responsible for other people screwing up. Commissioning program he goes through or physical effort done in order to pros and cons of being an officer in the navy a result than short-term.. Honorg58 3 points4 points5 points 5 years ago ( 1 child ) to something larger than,... Staying in the Navy in 2019 time to qualify SWO any day sea that is ``... And bad points for joining the Marines we may earn a commission when you join the military world cost you! Are technical experts assigned to ships experience at least 1 deployment, often,... A physical Readiness Test, or PRT, every new recruit has the opportunity new recruits go the... A minimum service obligation to play with giant toys all day ( children... 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