If you liked this article, you may also like: Like you said, it’s used in Sudarshan Kriya by AOL group. In this way, the So Hum mantra decreases our sense of social alienation and isolation, since we become more spiritually connected to those around us … tejo yatte rūpaṃ kalyāṇatamaṃ tatte paśyāmi The universal mantra so’ham (pronounced “so-hum”), meaning “I am That which I am,” can be used by every meditator and leads to clarity, peace, and self-realization. The So Hum meditation is a simple but powerful technique that uses the breath and the repetition of a mantra to quiet the mind and relax the body. So Hum meditation, when practiced regularly, leads to inner peace, tranquility, and happiness as our ego-related issues begin to gradually diminish. I learnt so much from it. Related: Loving Kindness Meditation – A Zen Technique to Boost Compassion. So Hum meditation (which is also called Soham meditation, Hamsa or Hansa) is one of the most important mantras used in Kriya Yoga and tantra. A mantra provides a focal point and a resting place in meditation. The meaning of the So Hum … Rest in this awareness as long as you like. Draw your chin slightly down and let the back of your neck lengthen. So Hum meditation is a simple yet effective technique that uses breath and repetition of a mantra to achieve mental tranquility and a state of joy and inner peace. As we do the mantra mentally, we listen to our breath, we move our hands in a similar fashion. Place your palms facing up in jnana mudra(forefinger and thumb touching) with your palms facing up to open your awareness or facing down to calm the mind. In the beginning, it may be helpful to set an external timer for 10, 20, or 30 minutes so you are not distracted. If you would find the time to answer me it would mean so much to me. Need to start practicing this once again. You’re inhaling everything that is divine, everything that gives you energy and focus; and exhaling your ego and limited individuality. Ra Ma Da Sa, Sa Say So Hung is the mantra for the sacred healing meditation first taught in the Summer of 1973. yo’sāvasau puruṣaḥ so’hamasmi ||. In Isha Upanishad, So Hum is mentioned in phrase 16 which end with the So Hum mantra: pūṣannekarṣe yamasūrya prājāpatya It’s also used in Kriya Yoga and Art of Living’s popular Sudarshan Kriya meditation technique. It has really helped me in the past. The So Hum Mantra is chanted silently in one’s own mind. I'm also a digital marketing enthusiast and manage my own inbound marketing agency, Startup Cafe Digital. It acts as a natural mantra to control to help us breathe deeply and concentrate while practicing yoga. Yoga for Diabetes: 12 Poses and a Meditation to Mitigate Stress, Yoga Journal’s Meditation Challenge: 5 Styles That Will Help You Stick to a Steady Practice, The Life-Changing Daily Meditation That Takes Just 5 Minutes a Day. Thanks for this! The So Hum Mantra is chanted silently in one’s own mind. For fresh information, we know people check-out: return to site. Inspire your practice, deepen your knowledge, and stay on top of the latest news. So Hum Meditation: The Ultimate Meditation for Inner Peace https://www.soulfularogya.com/practice-so-hum-meditation-for-inner-peace/ @soulfularogya, So Hum (also called soham) is a combination of two Sanskrit words – So and Hum. I think this is one of the easiest mantra to work with. Namaste As you get used to the practice of So Hum meditation, you can increase the duration as per your convenience. Browse here at check this out to explore the meaning behind it. It is very natural and feels wonderful. In this case, “that” refers to the divine life energy or the universal spirit. Passionate about yoga and meditation. [sc name=”So Hum Meditation Infographic”]. Editor’s Note: This article was originally published in January 2016 and has been completely revamped and updated for comprehensiveness. They are ‘So’ and ‘Hum’. When you are finished, bring your hands together in anjali mudra (prayer position) and close with a moment of gratitude, reflection, or prayer to soak up the energy of your meditation into your being and life. Navigating To read meditation likely provides suggestions you […], […] of your surroundings. The roots of So Hum meditation are firmly entrenched in the Vedas and Upanishads. The mantra is also inverted from so 'ham (the sandhi of saḥ + aham) to ham + sa. The breath is subtle and slow, so let your concentration be fine and sensitive, becoming more and more one-pointed, and gradually drawing deeper into the mind. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. The So Hum mantra is chanted silently in one’s own mind. © Copyright 2015-20 - Soulful Arogya. When you practice this mantra consistently, you empower yourself to begin to notice the intricate connections that exist in the world around us. Marguerite. So Hum Meditation: A Complete Beginner’s Guide to So Hum Meditation, Loving Kindness Meditation – A Zen Technique to Boost Compassion, 10 Adi Shankaracharya Quotes Guaranteed to Make Your Day, How to Make Meditation a Daily Habit [Infographic], How to Reduce Anxiety with S.T.O.P Mindfulness Technique, Breathe for Apple Watch: A New App for Mindfulness and Stress Relief, 15 Best Meditation Apps to Master the Art of Meditation, Viloma Pranayama: A Breathing Technique to Feel Calm and Free, The Ultimate Guide to Walking Meditation [Infographic], So Hum Meditation Technique - Light On Pranayama, So Sound Relaxation: HOWTO do Yoga with Consequently Hum Rule – Hyr BBS, Consequently Sound Meditation: How to do Yoga with Consequently Hum Mantra – Hyr BBS, How To Use A Meditation Mp3 | River Side Appeal, Employing Meditation To Aid You To Decrease Tension |, How To Use A Meditation Mp3 | Jianfeibanfadaquan, An Incredible (Yet Rare) Buddha Story Guaranteed to Inspire You, Walking Meditation: The Definitive Guide to Mindful Walking [Plus Infographic], 3 Pranayama Breathing Techniques for Beginners, Mindfulness Meditation Universe - Inner Peace [MP3 + 320 + M4A], Loving Kindness Meditation: A Zen Technique to Boost Compassion, So Hum Meditation: A Complete Beginner's Guide to So Hum Meditation, https://www.soulfularogya.com/so-hum-meditation/, Select a quiet, comfortable place. November 21, 2018. Observe the inflow and outflow of breath. January 4, 2019. On the inhale let the word "so" accompany your breath and on the exhale, let your breath release using the “ham” part of this mantra. O, Nourisher, O lonely Courser Now take a deep breath and as you inhale, think of the word, Continue to observe your breath as you mentally chant, Whenever you get distracted by a thought, quietly bring your mind back to the breath, silently repeating. Another common meditation mantra is the Sanskrit “So Hum,” or “I am.” Other types of mantras associated with more specific goals include: deity mantras Create a personalized feed and bookmark your favorites. However, no […], […] impacts individuals in distinct ways. Inhale from 9 inches away from the nostrils and mentally say ‘so…ooo’ as you inhale. As we inhale, we hear the word HUM, exhale SA, inhale SO, exhale HUM. Since its inception the word has been used in a philosophical sense for giving new meaning to yoga and meditation. The Spiritual Benefits: In today’s world of chaotic and stressful living, where one has to scourge for … This meditation will help you move beyond your mind’s busy chatter to the peace of present moment awareness. So Hum is derived from Sanskrit and literally means “I am That” . The phrase “So Hum” is used several times in the Principal Upanishads. […], […] How to Practice So Hum Meditation for Inner Peace [Infographic] […], […] Related: So Hum Meditation: An Easy Path to Happiness […], […] So Hum Meditation: The Ultimate Meditation for Inner Peace: Mindfulness Meditation Universe – Inner Peace Lyrics. Bring your awareness to the ‘so’ as that ‘so’ goes inward, into the center of the brain and center of your body, then stops. Tess. In vedic philosophy, so hum is interpreted as “identifying oneself with the universe or the ultimate reality.”, So when we chant the So Hum mantra in our mind while meditating, we are saying, “I am ONE with the universe.”. So too, the thoughts of the mind are allowed their life, as you listen passionately to the so-hum, so-hum of the breath ebbing and flowing through the gross and subtle bodies, and the mind. Scan your body and relax any tension. O Sun, thou offspring of Prajapati, Thank you so much for your amazing book The Spontaneous Fulfillment of Desire. vyūha raśmīn samūha | This healing meditation is used to pray for healing energy for our friends, family, and ourselves. It is also mentioned several times in Adi Shankaracharya’s Vakya Vritti, one of the foundational texts for BKS Iyengar’s Hatha Yoga. If a thought (vritti) arises, come back to the simple mantra, “so hum.”. The So Hum meditation is a yoga form that holds an important place in Vedas and Upanishads. Visualize your exhalation leaving your body through your nostrils and then merging back into the atmosphere, back into infinity, back into “all that is.” Stay with this contemplation until you naturally begin to settle into a state of unified consciousness (which may only be for a few brief, refreshing moments at a time). Try to maintain the spine upright with the head, neck and the trunk in alignment. In case you require to dig up further about company web site, there are heaps of online libraries people might consider pursuing. They are accessible in a assortment of lengths, which indicates you can take a breather from a […], […] is a common way to unwind. Be mindful of your thoughts and bring your attention back to the breath and continue the practice. It has been used by ancient sages to attain their state of spiritual ascension. This is a natural mantra. When we inhale, the life energy goes in and when we exhale, our ego goes out. Place your palms facing up in jnana mudra (forefinger and thumb touching) with your palms facing up to open your awareness or facing down to calm the mind. Here, “that” refers to all of creation, the one breathing us all. Meditation For Happiness contains further concerning the purpose of it. Use a meditation app like Sattva to time your sessions. Shiva Rea offers a meditation is based upon the mantra “so hum,” (“I am that”) used within the traditions of Tantra and Vedanta. Remove Thy rays, gather up thy effulgence, […], […] So Hum Meditation Technique: Your Path to Happiness [Infographic] […], […] Source: https://www.soulfularogya.com/so-hum-meditation/ […]. So Hum Meditation – Meaning In the Vedic scripts the So Hum mantra has a special place. Sit in. This powerful internal mantra meditation begins with settling into the breath, centering awareness and preparing body and mind for this practice. Through visualization, contemplate the 5 billion human beings and countless creatures on Earth being fed by the same tidal rhythm of the breath. SOHUM Yoga and Meditation Studio offers a six week Corporate Employee Wellness Program using Yoga and Meditation to combat stress in the workplace, enhance focus and productivity and provide effective coping strategies for dealing with negative emotions in the workplace such as anger, fear and anxiety. Find a comfortable posture for meditation (seated on a cushion or blanket, in a chair or against a wall). "For healing at a distance, this is the mantra. No props are necessary for this practice, just an open heart and a few minutes of your day. of the heavens, O Regulator, In a single session, practicing this mantra can cause you to feel centered and in touch with the world around you. In Vedic philosophy it means identifying oneself with the universe or ultimate reality. Tip: It’s advisable to practice So Hum meditation early in the morning on an empty stomach to get maximum benefits. Hum means ‘I’ or ‘an individual’s ego’ and So means “that”. Even though you are trying to keep the spine straight and vertical, it should not cause any kind of strain. So Hum Mantra Meditation. it means identifying oneself with the universe or ultimate reality. As you exhale with “hum,” inwardly say “that” or “all that is.” Feel how your exhalation releases you into the expanse around you. Pick a present you’re most confident with. Soham or Sohum (सो ऽहम् so 'ham or so 'Hum) is a Hindu mantra, meaning "I am She/He/That" in Sanskrit. It synchronizes the movement of the breath with the mantra that fits naturally into the inhalation (So) and exhalation (Hum). This mindfulness is based on two Sanskrit words. There are several mindfulness meditation techniques which can help us in achieving a calm and peaceful state of mind. Achieving inner peace is effortless. It can also be chanted out loud as well. So Hum meditation is a simple yet effective technique that uses breath and repetition of a mantra to achieve mental tranquility and a state of joy and inner peace. The practice of mindfulness is central to Buddhist philosophy where one observes the thoughts without passing any judgment or reacting to them. There are many so hum meditation benefits. Thy most auspicious effulgence. Bring your attention to the tidal rhythm of your breath, feeling the rise and fall of your inhalation and exhalation. So Hum Meditation has existed in India throughout the ages. Very calming and easy pace and voice. So Hum (SoHam) Meditation Technique is one of the best mantra meditations for bestowing peace and tranquility, but by using the mantra in the variation show below, it can be used to expand the mind by silencing thoughts. If your mind wanders and thoughts fill your mental space, gently bring them back to your breath and then reintroduce the mantra. If you are seeking unconditional acceptance, support, love and protection, the So Hum mantra is a perfect addition to meditation practice. Scan your body and relax any tension. Take a few deep breaths. Based in Bangalore, India. All rights reserved. Thank you for this beautiful meditation. It’s short, simple, and easy to coordinate with the breath. So Hum Meditation Technique – Guide For Beginners August 8, 2020 March 23, 2019 by Insight State's Editorial Mantra meditation is the foundation of arguably the most well-known form of meditation in the West – TM – Transcendental Meditation . That’s perfect! Thank you. © 2021 Pocket Outdoor Media Inc. All Rights Reserved. Removing stress from our lives is essential, if we want to be healthier and satisfied. So'Ham Meditation from Vasant Lad, B.A.M.&S., M.A.Sc. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. I personally really feel really tired and lethargic […], […] a Meditation mp3 is a popular way to loosen up. I have a few questions. So is felt and said mentally during the whole phase of inhalation and Hum during the exhalation. Mantra, the chanting of sacred words or sounds, is a central part of yogic meditation. Sit-in sukhasana (crosslegged position) or in a seat. I like to breathe-in to the “So” and breathe-out to the “Hum.” The Person that is in Thee, That am I. Learn how your comment data is processed. This vibration is the mantra so'ham (pronounced so-hum). Join Active Pass to get Yoga Journal magazine, access to exclusive sequences and other members-only content, and more than 8,000 healthy recipes. It’s an easy yet enriching practice as we’ll demonstrate in this article below. The literal translations are: It is an effortless process which will happen on its own. Find a comfortable posture for meditation (seated on a cushion or blanket, in a chair or against a wall). In modern times, the So Hum mantra is used in the practice of yoga. The word of course derives from the 2 Sanskrit … Discover extra information on an affiliated paper – Click here: so hum meditation. […], […] – so. This mantra translates into "I am That". Hum means ego’ and So implies ‘He/ the divine’ or ‘life energy’. Hear the sound so on the inhale, and the sound ham on the exhale. SO HUM HUM SA HUM SA SO HUM. Draw your chin slightly down and let the back of your neck lengthen. I like the so hum meditation and am going to persist with this and observe the effects. HUM SA SO HUM SO HUM HUM SA. Let your spine rise from the ground of the pelvis. The yogic mantra “so hum” is not only a reflection of the sound of the breath but also carries a contemplative meaning: “I am that” (so = “I am” and hum = “that”). […] So Hum meditation is a simple meditation technique which uses the repetition of a mantra (called So Hum mantra) to reach a state of complete relaxation. Previously, guest author, Richard wrote popular articles about Om Mantra Chanting, The Awakening of Kundalini and Energy Centers and Yoga Pranayama for Beginners.. Today he shares with us his favorite mantra meditation technique. That is the true essence of So Hum meditation. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Blogger, Cyclist, Entrepreneur. It is a contemplation mantra with a special meaning in Vedic philosophy. While practicing So Hum meditation, we sit quietly and observe our breath while adding the sound So as we inhale, and Hum as we exhale. At the start of this practice, it is common for our minds to get distracted and carried away by a thought. The Meaning of So Hum So Hum is a phrase comprised of two Sanskrit words. Let your spine rise from the ground of the pelvis. Don’t get agitated or discouraged when this happens. Even though I'm explaining it in words, we use the sound within our breath. As your focus settles on your breath, begin to employ the simple mantra “so hum.” As you inhale, silently say “so” to yourself and as you exhale, say “hum.” Once the “so hum” rhythm has been established, begin to contemplate the meaning of “so hum.” As you inhale with the mantra “so,” say to yourself ” I am,” connecting to your essential self. It can be used to clear negative health problems, or to help you to focus on your aims and make important decisions.The real benefits of soham meditation, however, come over time. In this post I wanted to include one of my favorite meditation practices: the so-hum mantra. So that I may see that which is The benefits of meditation: Increase calmness, clarity, focus, and energy Decreases anxiety Stabilizes emotions and lessens mood swings Increases creativity Increases energy Develops intuition Expands consciousness Lowers blood pressure Decreases tension-related pain, insomnia, tension headaches, muscle, and joint problems Improved immune function Increases … If you know anything at all, you will possibly fancy to discover about continue reading. Choose a place where you won’t be disturbed. Contemplate the source of your breath: Where is your breath coming from? In this 10 minute guided meditation with Jonni-Lyn, we explore the gyan mudra (hand gesture) and work with the traditional mantra "So Hum". This contemplation meditation is an opportunity to focus “thinking mind” on the mystery of being and to reflect upon the interdependent nature of all phenomenon revealed by the sages and confirmed by contemporary physics. It is not something to struggle for. Removing stress from our lives […], […] Buddha’s message is crystal clear. You have entered an incorrect email address! So Hum Meditation. In the beginning, it may be useful to set a timer of 5-10 minutes. As we meditate on this, we realise that we are all one, we have all come from one Infinite Source, and a part (Ansh) of that infinite source is present in all of us. Silence is offered for several minutes as the mantra So Hum, is repeated on each inhale and exhale, helping to quiet the mind and focus your awareness on the present moment. The So Hum mantra has a special meaning in Vedic philosophy and is often the mantra given to those new to the practices of yoga and meditation. I'm the Chief Editor & Content Curator at Soulful Arogya. […], […] Select a silent, cozy location. Meditation – a Zen Technique to Boost Compassion when this happens intricate connections that exist in the on. A single session, practicing this mantra can cause you to feel centered and in touch with the or. 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